I started out on Linkedin last year and I fell in love with it ever since.

This year, I found out another heartthrob — Twitter.

Initially, I thought it barely had anyone actively using it except celebs and journalists.

But I was wrong, people out there were putting out a lot of value content & almost like Linkedin, It’s a networking machine itself.

How did I grow? It was very simple. At the start of the year, I made out a route plan. Very simple. I had to only put up barely 10 minutes per day to achieve it.

1) I need to tweet every day.

2) Every Month I need to gain at least 50 followers.

3) Engage with the audience

The second step made it so clear to me. If you ask me how to get 600 followers, I have no answer. but if you ask me how to get 50 followers in a month, well, I’ve got a couple of hacks:

1) Once a month I put out a post on Linkedin asking people to follow me on Twitter (That helps a bit)

2) I find out accounts with the number of followers as similar to me and I check out their followers, and engages with their content and also gives them a follow if I like their profile. 90% they will follow back and of course, it’s a super active account and they are going to engage with your content gradually.

3) I somehow tag some big shots on my tweet who has more than 100k followers and makes content about them or there product. Chances are that they are going to like the tweet. Which takes my tweet to most of his/her followers too. It brings a lot of likes on my post and I check out each and everyone and follows them which is going to get me some follow backs.

4) After getting some follow backs, you have an audience which is active, Then 80% it’s about the content you are putting out. You’ll slowly start to get traction.

That’s it, folks :)

Let’s connect on Linkedin & Twitter
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